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One Buck Club – “Off Season” Team Fun Matches Match Bulletin - Dates and Details
You must be a current, One Buck Club Member who has fired at least one match this last season to participate.
Dates and Time:
8 Fridays in a row – 8/6/2021 through 9/24/2021 Warmup at 10:30am (if regular Air Gun Club if finished) Match starts at 11:00am
Sign up Sheet:
There will be a roster of members on the table every week. Please put an “x” next to your name by 10:40 am if you intend to participate that week so the teams can be formulated.
There will be a one time, $10 charge to participate that goes into the One Buck treasury. The fee for each match is $3.00 ($2.00 awarded as prizes, and $1.00 to the One Buck treasury.)
CMP 600 Yard Reduced, 12 Bull Target (Kruger AR-ML). Please xerox the target provided to you for your individual practice as there are not enough targets available for matches and practice. (It can be obtained from Brad Zimmerman.)
Course of Fire:
Warmup in the Racetrack – unlimited shots in 3 minutes
Team Match – 10 shots in 10 minutes
Note: Weekly matches are not cumulative. Each week’s match is an individual match. It’s not necessary to shoot all 8 matches if you choose not to or cannot attend all eight days.
Team Selection:
Teams will change weekly. Two man teams are chosen by taking 50% of the participants based on their average score from high to low and making them team captains. The team partners will be chosen by taking the other 50% of the participants and matching them to a team captain via a drawing. (The purpose of this method it to keep the shooters with the highest averages from being teamed up together, thus making the team selection more fair.) If an uneven amount of shooters want to participate, one team captain’s score (chosen via drawing) will be combined with two different shooters’ scores to create two, separate teams.
1. To score a 10 on a bull, the entire 10 dot must be eliminated.
2. The team with the highest cumulative score wins the match. If a tie occurs, a shoot-off will be conducted to determine the winner.
3. Shoot-offs: Teams will have 2 minutes to shoot 3 bulls. The same CMP target will be utilized. The high team score wins. The shoot-off continues until a winner is determined.
The team with the highest cumulative score will split the prize money.