Welcome to The Villages Air Gun Club
The Villages Air Gun Club is exclusive to the residents of The Villages community in Central Florida. The Villages Recreation Department has provided three air gun ranges for the Air Gun Club and other interested residents to use.
The Rio Grande range is located at 1216 Rio Grande Blvd (just behind the postal center).
The Soaring Eagle range is located at 4396 Morse Blvd (next to the softball complex).
The Sugar Cane range is located at 2618 Fenney Way (at the intersection of Fenney Way and Bigham Trail.
Competition (.177 Caliber only)
The Villages Air Gun Club competition season starts in July and ends in April. The 40 week season is capped with an awards banquet where the season’s top shooters are recognized. The competitive shoots are held each week during the season.
Competition shoots are held at the Soaring Eagle on Monday and Tuesday. At the Rio Grande range competitive shooting is held on Thursday and Friday. At Sugar Cane Range competitive shooting is held on Wednesday. Members compete with both pistols and rifles, offhand and bench rest. Each match is 20 shots broken up into two segments of 10 shots in 10 minutes.
Air Gun Options
Spring Piston
High powered, suitable for hunting. Hard to cock and with some recoil. Not suited to target shooting.
No need to pump between shots. More expensive to operate. Effected by cold temperatures.
Single Pump Pneumatic
Must hand pump between shots. Inexpensive to operate
Not easily maintained/repaired.
Pre-charged Pneumatic
Most accurate for competition. Olympic class air guns are PCPs Compressed air tank is required.